During the slow time in my office, I decided to start a blog. I've always enjoyed writing and want to incorporate some of my tax expertise into my professional 'marketing' strategy for myself. A little about me, professionally: I've been a tax preparer with CSD & Co. since January 2009. I earned my CPA certification, after a grueling exam, plus education and experience requirements, in June of 2010. I am uniquely suited to this type of work, with an analytical mind and a penchant for solving problems. Working in a small city, most of my clients are small businesses or individuals whose complexity of investments have exceeded their ability or willingness to prepare their own taxes. I am most certainly your typical accountant-type. I have moments of social awkwardness and tend towards the introverted. However, I did, at some point in my adult life, learn how to talk to other adults and I strive to be approachable, friendly, and comprehensible....